Florida River Ranch
Our Story
We are Kenton and Krista Schwettman and we bought our 40 acre property on the Florida River in Ignacio, Colorado 9 years ago. We have 3 boys who love country life and help with all of the day to day chores here on the ranch. In addition to raising large black hogs, we also raise chickens and have a large heirloom garden where we grow fruit and vegetables for our own kitchen table. We decided in 2020 to start raising large black hogs after a lot of research and truly out of our own neccessity to find the best pork to raise for our family and friends.

About Florida River Ranch
We started Florida River Ranch in the spring of 2020 when we were searching for our own pigs to raise and continued to find poor quality, inhumanley raised pork. After a lot of research, Kenton decided that large black hogs were going to be the best fit for what we were looking for as well as the most sustainable for our property. We bought our first two sows in the San Luis Valley in Colorado and since then have introduced another sow and a boar that we bought from a farm up in Northern California. All of our large black hogs are registered and papered with the Large Black Hog Associaiton. We raise pork for our family, friends and community.

Pasture Raised, Heritiage Pork
The Large Black Hog is a heritage breed hog that originated in England and is known for its all black color and large floppy ears. The breed is also known for its foraging ablities and its hardiness for living outdoors. The breed became nearly exctint in the 1960s and remains one of the rarest British pig breeds today. Conservation of this breed continues to be important as there are less than 800 registered hogs in the United States. Large Black Hogs are slower growing and in turn produce a more marbled and flavorful meat. It is well worth the wait!